Welcome to Mediation!
Piece By Peace
11/1/20231 min read
Mediation is Your Peaceful, Affordable Solution.
In todays world, peaceful solutions are urgently needed.
There is a global need for peace and the need for peace at home as well. Peaceful solutions to conflict can start at home at our kitchen tables. It just takes the intent to find a fast, affordable solution.
The solution is not to wait until a conflict grows so large that lines are drawn and enemies made. Court battles are long and costly in many ways.
Mediation is the fast, affordable and peaceful solution to a conflict. An agreement is drawn instead of costly enemy lines.
If an agreement is needed for a divorce or co-parenting plan, a mediator can help you create a plan that will work for you both. If estate planning is needed, a plan that is fair to all and upholds your family unit can be advised.
In relationships that are ongoing, healthy and stable but need an issue decided to move ahead, mediation can resolve the otherwise dividing issue. For instance, if one partner prefers life at the beach and the other the mountains, a peaceful solution can solved. Relationships don't need to end because of one dividing issue. There are big dividing issues in relationships; where to live, public or private schools, career paths and even where to vacation. The relationship can stay strong and healthy by having a mediator bring solutions to the matter at hand. A divorce or break-up is not necessarily needed when faced with a tough decision. Neither is arguing endlessly or therapy that is wonderful when dealing with early trauma but not helpful to quickly solve the issue at hand.
There is another way. Adversary is a costly last choice. Give mediation and peaceful solutions a try.